
Monday 1 December 2014

A beautiful black woman

I am a beautiful black woman
Years ago, those words were not very popular to say.
At least not in that order,
Maybe some still find it hard to say
Like they have an incurable "I don't see myself beautiful" disorder.

Because of the stigma that society has labeled us black women with.
According to fools, the fields and backstage is where we belong,
Singing songs of the "Wade in the water" song.
How about in college, with degrees.
On runways, making front covers.

To society the black nation will always be seen as social hazards.
It's time for a game changer,
Remove the rear view mirrors and stop looking backwards.

A black, educated and beautiful woman I will always be.
I will wear my puff up high just like my standards.
And my curls whether long or short, will fall in place,  exactly where they should.

My courage, like my skin,  is ever strong.
In the mirror all I see is a beautiful black woman.
Talented, educated and again I say, ever strong!

By Michel'Lee R. Williams